Cafe French Food(フランス料理) Kobe(神戸) others

Vie De France(ヴィ・ド・フランス)/ Bread Shops(パン屋さん):When It Needs To Be Perfect


Vie De France:(ヴィ・ド・フランス):Bread Shops(パン屋さん)

Vie de France is a French bakery company that got started in 1971. It has bakery shops in the USA and throughout Japan. This bakery produces high quality breads and croissants in addition to pastries, and snack foods. The Vie de France bakery shop in the JR Kobe station is conveniently located just outside the ticket gate. There is a nice dining area where people can relax and eat or just enjoy a cup of coffee. The bakery also serves a wide variety of parfait. Customers can also purchase items and take them to go.

by Baretta 

Word (English/ 日本語)for English learner

*throughout Japan 日本中| *produce(動詞)生み出す |*in addition to〜:〜に加えて| *pastry(名詞)パン菓子|*conveniently(副詞)便利に|*parfait(名詞)パフェ|*purchase(動詞)購入する| take A to go:Aを持ち帰り

Vie De France:(ヴィ・ド・フランス):Bread Shops(パン屋さん):

Telephone Number: 078-579-8586

Address: 3-1-1 Aioi-choi, Hyogo-ku, Kobe 652-0897

住所:神戸市中央区相生町3-1-1 ビエント神戸1F

Hours: Monday-Sunday, 7:00AM-21:00PM Everyday


Barettaの本(Kindle Book)

>>Let's Enjoy! 英語日記 Step1: 天気・季節・行事500フレーズ

>>Let's Enjoy! 英語日記 Step2−1: 起きてから寝るまで・交通・学校・仕事・家事育児・携帯・パソコンなど1000フレーズ

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-Cafe, French Food(フランス料理), Kobe(神戸), others

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