Kobe(神戸) others >Sannomiya(三宮) >Steak

Kobe Duchamp Restaurant(洋食屋 神戸デュシャン):Kobe Sannomiya(神戸三宮)


Kobe Duchamp Restaurant(洋食屋 神戸デュシャン):Kobe Sannomiya(神戸三宮)

Kobe Duchamp Restaurant is a short 10 minute walk south of the JR Sannomiya Station. This restaurant serves a variety of popular Western style dishes. The interior's white walls and large windows give the restaurant a delightful ambience. The tables and chairs matched with the restaurants decorum. I ordered the stewed hamburg steak made from ground beef and pork, onion, and hen's egg with demi-glace sauce which was served in a small hot iron pan. I also ordered their beer cocktail made with cassis and cranberry which was really wonderful.

delightful(形容詞)快適な|*ambience(名詞)雰囲気|*decorum(名詞)礼儀正しさ|*stewed(形容詞)煮込んだ|*ground⇒grindの過去分詞*grind(動詞) 細かく挽く|*iron pan 鉄板|

Information:Kobe Duchamp Restaurant(洋食屋 神戸デュシャン):Kobe Sannomiya(神戸三宮)

Address: 41-127 Hachimandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, 651-0085

住所:神戸市中央区八幡通4-1-27 D’グラフォート神戸三宮タワー1F

Telephone Number: 078-272-2720

Parking: No Parking

Seating Capacity: 58

Hours: Monday-Sunday Lunch 11:30-15:30, Dinner 5:30-23:00

Average Price: Lunch \1,200, Dinner \3,500

ランチ  11:30~15:30(L.O 15:00)
ディナー 17:30~23:00(L.O 22:00)

Cards Accepted: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express

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-Kobe(神戸), others, >Sannomiya(三宮), >Steak

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